T2 Fotografie 


Page build: 20.0301.20
Last updated: 1. marca 2020


Author photographs: Anton Kulan
© www.T2.SK, 2009
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Archive of photographs per year 2009

The number of albums in this archive: 36 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 1.829 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 10 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 249 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 1 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 108 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 25 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 1.472 photographs.

Rím 2009: Príchod, Vatikán, Bazilika (foto: Vladimír Ráhl) Go! 082 photographs

Rím 2009: Vatikán, uličky a Anjelský hrad (foto: V. Ráhl) Go! 078 photographs

Rím 2009: Rebibbia, Piramide, uličky mesta (foto: V. Ráhl) Go! 030 photographs

Rím 2009: Circo Massimo, Terme di Caracalla (f.: V. Ráhl) Go! 040 photographs

Rím 2009: Santa Maria in Cosmedine a káva (fo.: V. Ráhl) Go! 041 photographs

Rím 2009: Monte Palatino, Santa Sabina (foto: V. Ráhl) Go! 047 photographs

Rím 2009: Colosseo, Forum Romano, metro (foto: V. Ráhl) Go! 055 photographs

Rím 2009: Kardinál Tomko - 30. výr. od biskup. vysviacky Go! 097 photographs

Rím 2009: Generálna audiencia u Svätého Otca v aule Pavla VI. Go! 037 photographs

Rím 2009: Rádio Vaticana (foto: Vladimír Ráhl) Go! 032 photographs

Rím 2009: Vatikánske muzeá (foto: Vladimír Ráhl) Go! 156 photographs

Rím 2009: Súkromná návšteva u kardinála Jozefa Tomka Go! 009 photographs

Rím 2009: Návrat do ubytovne (foto: Vladimír Ráhl) Go! 013 photographs

Rím 2009: Bazilika sv. Pavla za hradbami (foto: Vladimír Ráhl) Go! 032 photographs

Rím 2009: Rímske kúpele a obed (foto: Vladimír Ráhl) Go! 022 photographs

Rím 2009: Piazza Repubblica (foto: Vladimír Ráhl) Go! 029 photographs

Rím 2009: San Giovanni in Laterano (foto: Vladimír Ráhl) Go! 080 photographs

Rím 2009: Maggiore, Vincoli (foto: Vladimír Ráhl) Go! 047 photographs

Rím 2009: Kupola Baziliky sv. Petra (foto: Vladimír Ráhl) Go! 136 photographs

Rím 2009: Navona, Minerva, Pantheon (foto: Vladimír Ráhl) Go! 119 photographs

Rím 2009: Pri stredozemnom mori (foto: Vladimír Ráhl) Go! 033 photographs

Rím 2009: Palatín, Colosseo (foto: Vladimír Ráhl) Go! 026 photographs

Rím 2009: Palatín, Fórum Romano (foto: Vladimír Ráhl) Go! 062 photographs

Rím 2009: Lido di Ostia, Ostia Antica (foto: Vladimír Ráhl) Go! 011 photographs

Rím 2009: Fotodokumentácia cesty do Ríme kamerou Sony Go! 158 photographs


The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.