T2 Fotografie 


Page build: 20.0301.20
Last updated: 1. marca 2020

Author photographs: Ján Kulan
© www.T2.SK, 2009
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Archive of photographs per year 2009

The number of albums in this archive: 60 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 4.432 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 7 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 353 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 7 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 232 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 2 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 155 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 4 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 251 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 6 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 437 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 4 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 359 photographs.


The number of albums in this archive: 22 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 2.048 photographs.

Koncert Janky Pastorkovej z diel francúzskej hudby Go! 075 photographs

Spevácky koncert jednej nemenovanej speváčky... Go! 039 photographs

Akadem 2009: Svätá omša s biskupom a koncert S2G Band Go! 200 photographs

Akadem 2009: Blok prednášok s pozvanými hosťami Go! 090 photographs

Akadem 2009: Svätá omša s biskupom Milanom Chuturom Go! 099 photographs

Akadem 2009: Workshopy s pozvanými hosťami Go! 069 photographs

Akadem 2009: Workshop s Marošom Kuffom u sestričiek Go! 060 photographs

Akadem 2009: Tanečné vystúpenie Pavla Danka Go! 030 photographs

Akadem 2009: Koncert skupiny Enter The God Zone Go! 100 photographs

Akadem 2009: Nočná adorácia vo farskom kostole Go! 010 photographs

Akadem 2009: Divadelné predstavenie Jób (UPeCe BA) Go! 035 photographs

Akadem 2009: Súťaž s Katolíckymi novinami Go! 048 photographs

Akadem 2009: Svätá omša s biskupom Tomášom Galisom Go! 091 photographs

Akadem 2009: Svätá omša II. + Spoločné fotografovanie Go! 067 photographs

Zábavný večer: Katolícka univerzita má talent! Go! 276 photographs

Odpustová slávnosť ku cti sv. Alberta Veľkého Go! 077 photographs

Diskusia a rozhovor s rektorom KU Zasępom Go! 058 photographs

Interný koncert študentov Katedry hudby Go! 098 photographs

Rektor KU Zasępa odovzdal medailu biskupovi Tondrovi Go! 076 photographs

Medzinárodná konferencia v Levoči (1. časť) Go! 236 photographs

Medzinárodná konferencia v Levoči (2. časť) Go! 162 photographs

Filmový festival Jeden svet 2009 v RK Go! 052 photographs


The number of albums in this archive: 8 albums.

The number of photographs in all albums: 597 photographs.