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Last updated: 1. marca 2020
Last updated: 1. marca 2020
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Catholic university
Parish Zbudské Dlhé
District Ružomberok
From abroad
Your photos!
Archive of photographs per year 2002
The number of albums in this archive: 80 albums.
The number of photographs in all albums: 3.754 photographs.
The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.
The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.
The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.
The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.
The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.
The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.
The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.
The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.
The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.
The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.
The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.
The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.
The number of albums in this archive: 0 albums.
The number of photographs in all albums: 0 photographs.
The number of albums in this archive: 9 albums.
The number of photographs in all albums: 454 photographs.
Zbudské Dlhé
16. 08. 2002
Odpustová slávnosť ku cti sv. Štefana Uhorského, kráľa (1)
021 photographs

Zbudské Dlhé
18. 08. 2002
Odpustová slávnosť ku cti sv. Štefana Uhorského, kráľa (2)
083 photographs

The number of albums in this archive: 14 albums.
The number of photographs in all albums: 489 photographs.
Hrabovec nad Laborcom
06. 09. 2002
Prestavba kultúrneho domu v Hrabovci nad Laborcom
004 photographs

The number of albums in this archive: 20 albums.
The number of photographs in all albums: 789 photographs.
Hrabovec nad Laborcom
05. 10. 2002
Odpustova slávnosť ku cti Ružencovej Panny Márie I.
046 photographs

Hrabovec nad Laborcom
06. 10. 2002
Odpustova slávnosť ku cti Ružencovej Panny Márie II.
030 photographs

The number of albums in this archive: 24 albums.
The number of photographs in all albums: 1.685 photographs.
Hrabovec n/L., Zbudské Dlhé
01. 11. 2002
Hrabovský cintorín počas dušičkového obdobia
069 photographs

Vysoká nad Úhom
08. 11. 2002
15. Púť radosti: Príchod na púť a registrácia účastníkov
080 photographs

13. 11. 2002
Ima3kulácia študentov 1. roč.: Zábavný program v starej aule
089 photographs

13. 11. 2002
Ima3kulácia študentov 1. roč.: Disco párty vo vestibule FF KU
063 photographs

Slovenské Krivé
23. 11. 2002
Arcibiskup Alojz Tkáč navštívil filiálku Slovenské Krivé
050 photographs

The number of albums in this archive: 13 albums.
The number of photographs in all albums: 337 photographs.
Banská Bystrica
04. 12. 2002
V Banskej Bystrici v kláštore Lazaristov s P. Martišom CM
013 photographs

Hrabovec nad Laborcom
24. 12. 2002
Vianočná nočná svätá omša vo farskej Mariánskej svätyni
013 photographs